Selasa, 27 September 2011

SA Fashion Week: Things I Learnt About Things

Today is report back day from SA Fashion Week, just held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rosebank, Johannesburg. It was the winter collections for 2012. And I want to kick off the day with some photos of me (yes, I know) and some stuff I learned.
1. That is me with my friend Randall. I am wearing my Christopher Strong maxi skirt and a neckpiece by Craig Jacobs for Fundudzi. The photo is taken by Cheska for When I am at fashion-related events, I am asked relatively often for my picture. I always say yes. I started out here in SA as a street style blogger, so it would be horrendously hypocritical to refuse. However, on the odd occasion that I have may have said no, it is because the approach was rude or inappropriate. Hanging out with some of my more well known friends this weekend, proved to me that what I experience was nothing compared to what they go through. And handle with complete style and dignity. So the first thing I learned is that it is ALL in the approach. And you should never apologise for thinking someone is awesome and thanking them for it. Although it is kind to apologise for interrupting their conversation, and acknowledge the other person or people at the table, for example. I also leaned that it can provide a HUGE amount of entertainment for us at the table, especially when your approach is somewhat salacious or disingenuous. OMG, I laughed this weekend. Laughed till my belly hurt and my cheeks developed laughing muscles. Thanks friends.
2. That's me there with my friend Bronwyn Day, fashion director at Glamour. We are both wearing Asian-inspired outfits (trend alert) and my kimono is by the fabulous KLuK CGDT boys, whom I love. So this weekend I learned that taking photos or video with your tablet (iPad or whatever) in the front row of fashion week is a total pain in the arse. Us editors, who are attending to enable us to do our jobs, CAN'T. SEE. THROUGH. THEM. Dude. Please. Seriously. Not necessary. Thanks.
3. I also learnt that art inspires fashion (by attending the Joburg Art Fair) but that fashion is not necessarily art. Let's just get perspective here. We are not witnessing haute couture. Oh, and that modern dancing is really not necessary at a runway show. Nor tap dancing. Nor, in fact gum boot dancing. Or any dancing at all. Let's just see the clothes, beautifully presented and styled, and get on with it.
4. I also learned that at fashion related activities, being a non-drinker is a major liability. Free champagne, wine and whiskey, but if you want a soft drink (what?) "that's be R50 please". This is not ok. NOT. And energy drinks and coke don't count. Nor does just tap water. Just provide a selection of healthy soft drinks in direct proportion to the amount of booze, please. Thanks.
5. And finally, I learned that I still love fashion. Love it. It all it's forms. Nothing (aside from laughing with my friends) provides me with quite as much entertainment and discussion and passion. And sometimes disappointment and frustration. But she is my master and that's the way it goes.

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