Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Marie Claire Prix d'excellence de la Mode 2011: Bloggers Award

Last night in Joziburg the fashion cognisetti got together to celebrate the people and organisations that are delivering the goods in the fashion industry right now in South Africa at the annual Marie Claire Prix d'excellence de la Mode. And this year I so would have been there - if it wasn't for a couple of shoots I am slap bang in the middle of. Humph. So go and buy the MC on shelves right now to check out all the winners who include Woolworths, Two, Spence, The Space, Mememe, Black Coffee, Laduma Ngxokolo, Zoja Mihic and Burgundy Fly. Well deserved and well awarded.
The one award that I would however like to discuss in more detail here today, is the new Best Fashion Blogger award. First of all, yippee, the bloggers get recognised for the contribution to building and growing the South African fashion industry. In today's world it is so important that the bloggers who get read by thousands every day use their power for good. And an award like this encourages that kind of responsible behaviour. If my blog does nothing else but engage debate and build awareness of local fashion, I have done my job (by way of celeb fashion spotting and fantasy books clubs of course.)
And MC does a stonking job of promoting and supporting bloggers. I am still in the queue to get on their blogger pages, such is the list of local blog peeps that are vying for the honour.
But last night the award was won, for the first time, by Malibongwe Tyilo from the blog Skattie What Are You Wearing? I trust that you have all paid Mali's blog a visit? It has been on my blog roll for some time now. So you will have your own opinion on whether the award was deserved. But this is mine. In a world of wannabes and try-hards, Mali's voice is honest and clear and fresh. He isn't some young guy trying to break into the glamorous side of the fashion business. He has been toiling quietly as part of the industry for years. He isn't using his blog to curry favour or earn a living or suck up to some so-called hipsters, he writes because he has to, because it is his passion, because it is how he breathes out. The fact that it is irreverent and cool isn't the point. It's just who he is. The fashion blogging world is richer for Mali's voice and pictures. And I love that he and I share similar views on blogging - although we almost totally disagree on everything we write. And such is his charm. This award was a stroke of inspiration and I couldn't be prouder of our nascent fashion blogging industry, or Mali. Or for that matter my fashion friends Aspasia, Sharon, Emma, Dion, Adam, Lorato, Felipe, Sylvia, Zodwa and Lorraine who were the judging panel who selected Mali as the winner. Props to all. A worthy winner indeed.
PS: Apparently Mali was wearing David West to the awards last night - as suggested by Luisa - but you will usually be able to recognise him by his Missibaba sun visor and camera around his neck. Say hi.

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